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January 2021 Petitions

Please pray for the special intentions of those below

All, received a call from our Sister in Christ, Mary Schodowski, her daughter Jean has tested positive for Covid 19. Jean works in a hospital in Fayetteville Ga where the virus is so rampant they are releasing patients early from the hospital. Jean also has a husband Daryl, with health problems,so he is vulnerable. Also her in-laws Betty and Ross have also come down with the virus.

In addition, my Aunt's niece, Gloria Santinello, has been in the hospital for one week with Covid please pray for her recovery. I just found this out today.

Thank you and blessings to all, your Sister in Christ, Theresa


Please pray for my daughter Jean and husband Darrell that they test negative for covid.

Mary, New Jersey

All, my daughter Melissa was exposed to COVID as her co-worker, who she was training and therefore siting by all last week, has come down with the virus. Please keep Melissa, her husband Art and the lady she was exposed by, Lynda, in your prayers.

Blessings and thank you,
Your Sister in Christ, Theresa

All, our Sister in Christ, Rosalie has asked for prayers as she is scheduled to see a doctor on Thursday in regards to her upper GI stomach problems. Please keep her in your prayers.

Thank you, Theresa

Please pray for a friend of our Sister in Christ, Felicia, the name of her friend is Joan. Joan has been diagnosed with a tumor in her left knee area, it is 5 centimeters, and it is cancer. They are treating her with radiation. She is also very concerned and frightened as this present condition has been there for 3 years, but the doctors kept miss diagnosing it. 

Requesting prayers for Jamie’s double major surgery for breast replacement on February 3. It is an 8 hour surgery. They are taking fat and tissue from her abdomen and putting in breast area. 

She had a double mastectomy Dec. 2019. Due to COVID she had to postpone everything. Please pray for me also as I am the only one who can go with her to the hospital.

Thank all of you for your prayers. Maddy

Please pray for my son-in- law John who has tested positive for COVID19 and for his family who is in the process of being tested

Thank you,
God Bless.

Please pray for the special intentions of Kathleen.

Thank you,
God Bless!

I have been asked by our Sister in Christ Stella Monahan for prayers as she will be having extensive oral surgery on Monday. Stella has a number of health issues to include some recent heart problems. She is somewhat anxious about doing this at this time but, the surgery needs to be done.

Please continue to pray for the young man Patrick, forty years of age, who has MS and had complications and has been in the hospital for 36 days. Please continue to keep Patrick in your prayers. He is coming along steadily, but has had some serious infections to set him back.

Thank you and Blessings, Theresa